An absolutely delicious bouillon spice, specially made to significantly add to the taste of your savoury meals.
Ingredients: Iodized salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Corn Starch, Wheat flour, sugar, Aromas, Caramel Color
French – Ingredients: Sel iode, Glutamate Monosodique, Amidon de Maïs, Farine de ble, sucre, Aromes, Colorant Caramel
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An absolutely delicious bouillon spice, specially made to significantly add to the taste of your savoury meals.
Ingredients: Iodized salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Corn Starch, Wheat flour, sugar, Aromas, Caramel Color
French – Ingredients: Sel iode, Glutamate Monosodique, Amidon de Maïs, Farine de ble, sucre, Aromes, Colorant Caramel
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